Matthew Parris in Saturday's Times:
"We didn't elect the government to manage the house, but to build the house."
Exactly. All this politics of reaction, trying to answer what the other bloke said, before he says it, press releases read out on Today to tell us what a minister will say at lunch time so that the opposition can rubbish it before he says it, all the reacting to whatever is in the paper that morning, the prime minister making comments on Come Dancing or the X Factor...
Every politician today is so obsessed with the spin, the look, the message... I yearn for the days when the government were identikit men in suits who you never heard of because they were taking 3 years to set up the NHS. Can you imagine Bevan, McMillan, Churchill putting out press statements at 7am to say that later that day they would visit a school to ask pupils if they had any idea how to incorporate mobile phone voting into the Bank bailout plan?
A man in a suit would have read out a short statement saying "I have just invented the Social Security system, please visit your town hall for more details." And bloody good it would have been too.... Am i getting old?
ps Can you imagine Churchill and Chamberlain appearing on the radio at all at 10 past 8 to argue via John Humphrys about the merits of being nice to that Mr Hitler chap... and being told, with respect, that they were an absolute nincompoop, and could they please answer the question...
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